                                            WAHCKon 2013                                  _,%ivvnvsivvvlnvvnlvs=
                                      "Perth's First Hacker Con"                    _=vvnnvvvovnvvvnvvvvvonsvvn+
                                                                                 _vnnvvnvnv facebook vvvvvnnvv( 
                                                  {si=i=i_=,.                  _vnvvnvonvnn22o2nnvnvnv1vvonvv"  
              Come enjoy a nice cool glass of      -"{vnvvIIvIi_,            _vnvvvn twitter onnvvnvvnnnnnv}`   
                   hacker juice with us               -{vliliiivvs=,       _unnnnno2vnnnnvnoonvvv1v2onvnv%^     
                                                        -!vniiiiliiIv,    vnnnvnvnooXonvonvnovvIvvnnIvnl+`      
                     . . .____,_asaaaaaaaaaaaaawaawawaawawumwwo111IlI1vss%nnn1v1v121n2Soqoooonvvvv1n1}~         
            _.--   -.    .=#mBQQW######mmmmWmWmmmWmmmmWmmmmBmmoovIiillv3S2ooonnvvonn2XZZ#ZZZXXZZZmo=            
            Z             =X##BBmWmWBWBWBWBBWmWWWmWBWBBWWWWBWmmonciiviIIlInnIvvnnnvlvXXXXXXXSXmm#mmE            
            }            -3WmWm                                                             mmmmBmmm            
            ;             3BBmW   [ Main ] [ CFP ] [ FAQ ] [ Tickets ] [ Venue ] [ About ]  mWWBWmW#            
            `             3mWmW                                                             dWmBBBmm            
                          ]WmWm   [ T-Shirts ] [ Speakers ] [ Talks ] [ Sponsors ] [ Prog ] S#BmWmW#            
                     .__a_dUXSY                                                             Sw#mBmm#            
            ]X2S#mBUU                                                                        o2S2XZU            
            ]ZXXX#mXZ    URL........: http://www.wahckon.org.au                              wX22SXZ            
            ]ZXXXXZ##    Rel.Date...: 4th and 5th of May 2013                                UZooS2Z            
            ]ZXXZZ##Z    Rel.Time...: 09:00AM                                                #ZZXoSX            
            ]ZZZZZ#ZU    Group......: WAHCKonCrewz                                           #ZXo2SX            
            )ZZXZZZ#Z    Location...: Building 32                                            UZSo22X            
            )ZZXZZUZZ                 Edith Cowan University                                 #Z2ooSX            
            )ZZXZXZZZ                 270 Joondalup Drive                                    #Z2noSX            
            =#XXXZZZZ                 Perth, Western Australia                               Z#ZXSXZ            
            =ZXXXXZXX                                                                        XXoonXZ            
            :UXXXXXXX    WAHCKon is Perth's first hacker con and we would love for you to    ZZX2o2X            
            :ZZXXXXXX    all participate. No matter what your involvement in the hacking     XXXSSX#            
             #ZSSSXXX    scene or skill level in any particular area is, there will be       ZZXoSXX            
             mUSSSXqm    something for you! So if you're a hardcore hacker, an artist, a     ZZXXXXX            
             m#XX#ZUX    tinkerer or just interested in things, you will find something      ZZZXXXX            
             ###ZZZZZ    of interest at WAHCKon.                                             ZZZXZXZ            
             Xm#ZZ#ZZ                                                                        ZXZXXXZ            
             3BZXZZUZ    So what actually happens at a hacker con? Well, primarily people    XZXXXZZ            
             3#ZXXZZZ    from all sorts of background will talk about stuff. All sorts of    XXXXXXZ            
             ]#XXXXXU    stuff will be talked about, there will be pictures and words and    XXXXXXZ            
             ]#XSSSXX    maybe even videos. There will also be competitions, lockpicking,    XXXSXXZ            
             ]XXS2S2S    capture the flag, it is all possible! Do you like parties? THERE    ZXXSXZZ            
             ]XX22S2S    WILL BE PARTIES TOO! The whole event will be fairly non-formal,     ZZXSXZ#            
             ]XXS22S2    feel free to come and go as you please, attending the talks that    ZXXXX#Z            
             )XXS2S22    interest you most and looking around at other things during the     ZXXXZ#Z            
             )XXSoS2S    talks that maybe interest you a little less (but we hope there      XXXZZ#Z            
             )XZ2S2S2    aren't too many of these!)                                          XZXZZ#Z            
             =ZZS2So2                                                                        ZXXZ#Z#            
             =#XX2S2S    So where is this wonderful event? Well it is at Edith Cowan         ZZX#Z#Z            
             :#ZXSSS2    University, Joondalup campus. The event will be based in            ZZXZ#Z#            
             :#ZXXSSS    building 32, the building is large, modern and features a           XXZ#Z#Z            
             .##ZXXXS    lecture theatre that will comfortably accommodate every attendee    ZXXUZ#Z            
              m#ZZXXX    at once, so don't worry about not being able to get into the        ZZXZZZ#            
              m##ZZZZ    presentations you want to see, there will be space. No              XSSXZZZ            
              m##XZUX    overselling here!                                                   2S2XZU2            
              ###ZZXX                                                                        S2XXZ#k            
              3##XZXS    The matter of price.. Well sadly we do need to charge for the       2SSXZ#k            
              3m#XX22    event, thankfully our sponsors have come forward and enable us      S2SXZ#k            
              j#UXXXS    to keep the price of entry down. The price is a cool $30 (while     22XXZUk            
              ]##XXXS    the initial run of tickets last!), keep in mind this doesn't        X2XXZUk            
              ]#ZXXXX    just get you entry, you will receive a badge. Now this badge.. I    2SXXZUk            
              ]UZSXXS    can't tell you too much about it just yet, but it isn't the sort    ZZ#ZZZ2            
              ]XX222o    of thing you just throw out, you will love it and use it for        ####XZC            
              )ZX2So2    years to come (I can't say anymore without giving it away). You     #Z##ZZC            
              )ZXSoSo    will get a program booklet, this might be the sort of thing you     ##m#ZZC            
              =UX222o    will throw out, but for the weekend it will be very useful and      ####ZZC            
              =#XX222    you get entry to a party on Saturday night. This party is for       ####ZZC            
              :mZX22o    every attendee and should be significant amounts of FUN.            Z#m#ZZC            
              :mZSo2o                                                                        #mmmZZC            
              .mZX22o    How many tickets can we sell? Sadly, not too many. Certain          #mm#ZZC            
              :mZX2oo    restrictions with the law, or more specifically with the party      #mm#ZZC            
              .#XS2oo    require us to keep the event to a certain size if we are to keep    #mB##XC            
              .#X22o2    the costs down. So get in early :)                                  #mmmZZC            
              .#X2oo2                                                                        #mBm#XC            
               #Xoo22    THE NAME!!! Oh my.. A lot of questions have come up about the       #mm#ZZf            
               #Sooo2    name of the event.. In 2008 a group was formed for people           XZXXXZC            
               #Sonoo    interested in security in WA. It was named Western Australian       ZZZZZZC            
               ZXonoo    HaCKers - WAHCK for short. So when we decided to have a con the     ZZZZ#ZC            
               #Snnoo    name was obvious. WAHCKon represents an evolution of security       ZZZZZZC            
               dXoo22    enthusiasts in Western Australia, and we welcome everyone to be     ZZZ#ZZC            
               3XoSSS    a part of it.                                                       ZZZZ#ZC            
               3XSXXS                                                                        ZZZ#ZXC            
               ]#oXXX    We are an inclusive event and we will not tolerate                  ZZZ#XXC            
               j#XX#X    discrimination of any form, with one exception. We reserve the      Z#Z#XXC            
               j#SX#X    right to discriminate against jerks. So don't be a jerk and         ZZZXXXC            
               3WmmXS    everything will be fine :)                                          ZZ##SXC            
               ]W#WZX                                                                        ZZ#G2Xk            
               ]Xooon    talk to us on irc (ssl):                                            Xno22Xk            
               ]2XSSS        irc.wahckon.org.au 6697                                         oo2o2Sk            
               -X2XXX        #wahckon                                                        22o2ook            
               .2nX2X                                                                        ooon1i2            